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The Full Story


The ISFM is a fully online school bringing together exceptional credentialed faculty in the Humanities and Social Sciences to teach courses that enable us to think differently about the world we live in through re-working and re-thinking mythical stories. This is a school that enables Humanities and Social Science faculty to teach what they are really passionate about to equally passionate students who are evaluating their life in the context of the myths our society lives by, and helping those students find their own authentic voice. 

Stack of Books
Stack of Books


To break old paradigms and cultural scripts surrounding the archetypal Feminine and related concepts in modern society and culture. 



To empower students to create new narratives that will usher in harmonious change in our 21st century cultural environment. 

Traditional Library

Goals, Objectives and Values



  1. To provide an inexpensive online alternative to university learning with university-credentialed faculty

  2. To teach students about the importance of myth, literature, and art in maximizing our human potential

  3. To allow students to create original contributions to the cultural conversation without reliance on artificial intelligence or similar technologies

  4. To educate students in the current cultural mythology in order to provide a context for change





  1. Working with a core group of faculty to provide lectures and workshops over an 8-week term at least twice a year. 

  2. Mentoring students one to one on a session project, which may include a piece of academic writing or a creative work of prose, poetry, music, or art.

  3. Maintaining a fluid learning structure that allows faculty to passionately teach the subjects they are experts in to a body of equally passionate students


Core Values: 


  • Inclusive: We value each other’s differences.

  • Collaborative: We work to better our communities as we better ourselves.

  • Inspirational: We inspire each other to think differently 

  • Courage: We support each other to have courage to guide ourselves and others in a changing and divided world

  • Balance: We look for alternatives to traditional patriarchal and colonial scripts that create imbalances

  • Listening: We listen actively and encourage others to speak, especially those who are often not heard

  • Expansion: We get out of our own corner of the world to learn about other cultures and beliefs

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