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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to register for the whole term?

The lectures, seminar, and project are part of a whole workshop, so full semester registration is preferred. 

However, there is an option for those who would like to audit one lecture and seminar. Lectures and seminars go in pairs, so audits are scheduled in 2-week blocks. 

Do I have to apply to attend?

No, there are no applications. Anyone can attend who is interested. 

I'm not "creative"; how will I do the project at the end?

The project can be anything--a traditional paper, or something traditionally thought of as creative, or something else. You do not have to be an artist, writer, or scholar to do the project. This will be individually discussed during the term. There are no projects if you are auditing a course. 

Am I being graded in this course?

No; there are no grades. Faculty will provide feedback on your project, but what you ultimately do with your work is up to you. 

I am in the UK/Europe/Australia; will there be course times friendly to these time zones?

At the moment, all courses are scheduled based on faculty availability, which takes into account Eastern Standard Time and Pacific Standard Time. It is hoped that we can accommodate other time zones in future terms. 

Will courses be recorded?

Courses are live, and there are currently no plans to record them, due to limited space on Zoom and on Wix. However, it may be considered for the future if there is enough enrollment and funds to pay for storage. 

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